We teach SKY system of meditation and allied practices developed by Vethathiri Maharishi comprising of: A universal system of meditation, Simplified Physical Exercises, Kaya Kalpa Yoga, Introspection Techniques, Philosophical Expositions regarding Self, Society and Nature and Plans for the betterment of individuals and society.
Yogiraj Shri Vethathiri Maharishi after years of intense research has systematized a series of exercises. For maintaining good health one must guard against disturbances in the body, life-force and blood, heat and air circulation. It maintains general fitness; develops the immunity system and thus acts as a preventive and as a curative to various diseases
To achieve spiritual development, the body must be free of diseases and pain to the maximum extent. Therefore, all spiritual aspirants are first and foremost advised to take up this system of physical health that would enable one to reap much more benefits in spiritual practices.
Physical Exercises
Hand Exercises:
- Hands and shoulders are strengthened.
- Arthritis, Numbness, Trembling of hands, Pain in the joints etc. are reduced and possibly cured.
Leg Exercises:
- Blood circulation gets regulated in all parts of the legs and abdomen.
- Is curative and preventive for sciatica and arthritis.
- By giving pressure to the toes and sole, important organs of the body such as heart, lungs, intestines and brain are activated.
Breathing Exercises:
- Strengthens the lower abdomen muscles.
- Ventilates the lungs and purifies the blood.
- Oxygenizes all the glands and organs.
- Helps curing headache, insomnia, asthma and other bronchial troubles.
- Improves grasping power and memory power.
Eye Exercises:
- Helps to improve defective eyesight by toning the nerves and tissues around the eyes.
- Prevents eye strain, burning sensation and other eye diseases.
- Clears the congestion in the nasal passage.
- Helps to cure sinusitis.
- Regulates the endocrine system.
- Keeps the spine and spinal nerves flexible and healthy.
- Strengthens the backbone and the spinal cord.
- Reduces the excessive sugar in urine and blood.
- Removes unwanted flesh and strengthens the body.
- Regulates the menstrual system.
Acu pressure:
- Blocks due to short-circuit of electrical energy is removed.
- A preventive for heart ailments.
- Helpful in alleviating insomnia.
- Removes tension in all the important organs (liver, spleen, intestines, kidneys, pancreas).
- Refreshes and tones the sense organs, facial nerves and vital organs.
- Brings down blood pressure.
- Removes recurrence of heart trouble.
- Gives a wholesome rest to the entire system.
Simplified Kundalini Yoga
By sincere practice of meditation, the senses come under the control of our mind and we do our actions with constant awareness of the cause and effect system. Kundalini is the life-force; the energy of the body and mind. Simplified Kundalini Yoga is the practice to utilize the life-force for the object of meditation; merging the mind with the life-force takes one to the subtlest frequency, which enhances awareness and furthers intellectual sharpness and understanding.
The Tamil Siddha saints have given us the art of “Kundalini Yoga”. ‘Kundam means fire, energy or power. ‘Ali” means it is genderless, i.e. neither male nor female. Kundalini Yoga was originally difficult to follow by common people. However Shri Vethathiri Maharishi has simplified the practice as as to be suitable for all men and women in this modern age. From the date of initiation, the aspirant is enabled to practice meditation by merging his mind within his soul. This process of yoga is called the Simplified Kundalini Yoga.
The stages of SKY practices are as follows.
Agna Meditation
Normally the life energy is functioning at ‘Mooladhar Chakra’, the physical centre of our body, located at the lower end of our spinal column. Under this condition, mind works at an emotional level and is unable to come out of unwanted habits. A trained master initiates the student into meditation practice by changing the working centre to ‘Agna Chakra’, the mid-point between the eye brows and focusing the mind on life energy at that point, the mind is given a new and positive direction which brings about reduction in mental frequency from Beta to Alpha level making the mind calm, providing control over senses and developing the power of concentration.
Shanthi Yoga
Generally for any SKY practitioner, after a few days of the initial practice, energy increases in the upper centers may be felt excessively. At this time Shanthi Yoga will be taught in order to balance the excessive flow of energy in the head.
Thuriya Meditation
After one month, the aspirant is taught Thuriya Yoga. The Master by his graceful sight passes the Divine Yogic Power through his eyes into the eyes of the aspirant. Then the Kundalini Shakthi is lifted from Agna Chakra to Thuriya (also called Sahasradara) the crown of the head, giving a very pleasant sensation. In addition to being a blissful sensation, Thuriya meditation will increase spiritual awareness & understanding, if practiced regularly along with Introspection.
In Thuriya meditation or meditation at Crown Chakra, the dormant brain cells are activated resulting in sharpness of intellect, increase of memory and development of will power. Many other meditation practices are given at higher level courses.
Thuriatheetha Yoga
By the thought-force of the Master the aspirant is taken to the Thuriatheetha State. Here the soul merges into the Absolute State, the Almighty. This is also called Jeeva-Brahma Aikyam meditation. This is a psychic practice to attain ‘Samadhi’ and leads to God-Realisation.
Thuriatheetha meditation, the third stage in SKY, merge your consciousness with Absolute Universal Being. The birth cycle will come to the end and you will be completely liberated to reach the Eternal Source. Here, the mind shrinks itself from the mind’s four dimensions (volume, force, time and distance), approaching towards Absolute State. It is a state of restful awareness. It is the process of elevating the consciousness towards perfection. When the mind reaches the absolute state by the Thuriatheetha meditation, that itself is Samadhi. When the mind is able to become one the Primordial state of its Own Self, that is realisation of Self and realisation of God.
o Reduces the mental frequency
o Enhances awareness
o Improves intellectual sharpness and understanding
o Increases the will power and concentration
Kayakalpa Yoga:
Kayakalpa Yoga is an ancient wonderful technique of the Siddhas (saints) of South India for the Enhancement of life energy.
In Sanskrit, the term “Kaya” means ‘body’ and “kalpa” means “immortal”.
Kayakalpa has a threefold Objective:
- Maintain youthfulness and physical health
- Resisting and slowing down the aging process
- Live a full span of quality life
- Activates the brain cells to its fullest functional levels.
- Increases memory power and grasping ability.
- Develops the immunity system.
- Reduces the effect of hereditary diseases.
- Intensity of chronic diseases like piles, diabetes, asthma and skin diseases is reduced and cured.
- Strengthens the uterus. Menstrual problems are reduced to a great extent.
- Brings about reformation of character.
- Helps in removing unwanted thoughts and habits.
Kayakalpa gives significant physical, mental as well as spiritual benefit by intensifying our life – force. As this practice is a restructuring process of the body in a natural way, no medicines or herbs are involved.